Do I have a drinking problem? Sign #1

If you look at the ABV (alchohol by volume) and select your beverage of choice primarily by what has the highest amount of alcohol. You might have a drinking problem.

I can tell you which beers/ciders/wines have the most alcohol. I stopped drinking liquor a few years ago after it became too obvious that I was going through gallons size jugs of gin and tequila more quickly than “normal.”

Craft brews and ciders were my favorite. Almost always they were higher in alcohol, plus you are supporting a local business, yay! At at a tasting room, I would proclaim my disdain for sweet drinks, preferring dry ciders or bitter beers. Ironically, both of these preferences usually align with a higher alcohol content.

During my years of “moderation” and bargaining with myself, I would promise myself that I would only drink one drink a night. Of course, I needed to make this count so I avoided buying anything under 6% ABV, trying to find 7-8% was preferable. If you are reading this blog, I probably don’t have to tell you that the one drink a night promise didn’t last long.

If you find yourself eschewing a low-alcohol option so you don’t fill up on some weak sauce, you might have a drinking problem.