Tag Archives: insomnia

After a month without alcohol, some good news

According to my tracker it has been 32 days since I stopped drinking. By my memory, no month has more than 31 days so I am over a month sober! Hooray!

What’s the big deal about being a month sober?

  1. Mornings are so much better. If you are a a daily drinker, you probably have a low-grade hangover every morning. Seriously, you have no idea what even one or two drinks is doing to your body until you give it up for a month.
  2. Sleep is better. I have never been a “good” sleeper, even as a child. I have come to peace with the fact that I will never be as sound of a sleeper as my significant other but alcohol wreaks havoc on my sleep. The misguided idea that you are making yourself “sleepy” by drinking before bed has been proven false. If you suffer from insomnia, do yourself a favor and stop drinking alcohol.
  3. My eyes look brighter. I am not sure if this is something subjective or objective but I feel less puffy and my sclera appear whiter.
  4. Energy is up, my runs have improved both in endurance and speed. I no longer “fall asleep” on the couch at night.
  5. I remember what I read and watch, I don’t need to elaborate on this one, you know who you are.
  6. I have fewer repetitive thoughts and my anxiety has decreased. Like insomnia, many people think they are relieving their anxiety by drinking, The reality is you are making it much worse. Your brain can’t do it’s job if you keep pickling it with ethanol. Go a month without drinking and see how you feel. Jean from Unpickled unpacks anxiety and body repetitive disorders here.