Tag Archives: Trick or treating and drinking

Drinking and Trick or Treating is a terrible idea

Admit it, you walk around with your adult sippy cup full of some sort of booze while you take your kids trick or treating.

Maybe you are uncomfortable around your neighbors, all of whom appear to be having a better time than your are.

Maybe you resent trudging around after a long day of work, dressed like a witch or a wizard, going door to door when you would rather be at home drinking.

Well then, just combine the two activities! Drink and Treat!

I have experimented with sobriety before and have been abstaining for 2 of the past 4 years during Halloween. Last year, I hadn’t had anything to drink for a few months and one of our neighbors had a margarita table set up next to the bowl of Halloween candy. My daughter and her friend took the candy. I took a margarita.

Like the candy, the margarita was too sweet. Like the candy I would later eat, I regretted drinking the margarita. Drinking for me is a means of escape. I only have a year or two left of the trick or treating years, why am I trying to wish it away?

The passing of time has always consumed my thoughts. In my own way, I am trying to block out thinking about the future but in reality, I am blocking the present.

My kids have a great time without the use of alcohol. Set a good example for your kids, they are setting one for you!